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Welcome to North County Christian Homeschool Group

We are a Christian homeschool co-op that meets multiple times a month to provide opportunities for children to make friends and learn together. Our activities include gardening, art, hiking, library visits, and more. We welcome families of all backgrounds who share our values and commitment to providing a quality education for our children.


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Group Values

As a christian group we hold dear our values as they are our firm foundation to life. And we ask that anyone choosing to volunteer or attend our meetings read through these summaries below. We understand that even christians have various interpretations of biblical ideologies and will respect one another as fellow believers.

For those whom are non-believers that would like to attend we ask that you would respect these views but know that you are welcome here wholeheartedly. If you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to chat!

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Christ Centered

We believe there is only one true God whom is the Creator of everything we know. We believe God sent His only son, Christ Jesus, whom died for our sins on the cross and conqured death itself. And that because of His great sacrifice, one day, He will return for us so that we can be with Him for eternity.

Genesis 1:1

Romans 6:23

John 3:16-20



We believe that we are to firstly love our God wholeheartedly and secondly we are to love our neighbors as ourselfves. We understand that our actions reflect our heart and can greatly effect those around us. 


Matthew 22:37-39


Showing Faith

We believe that our faith is shown to God by our works. That we are called to be Christ like in our behavior while understanding that we all fall short and need Christ as our savior. We understand that our salvation is purely from Christ but our "faith without works is dead."

James 2:14-26



In a world filled with confusion and deception we believe it is time to hold dear to the truths of the Bible, no matter the hardship. Courage is an attribute very difficult to come by. But we believe we are called to show it during these trying times.


1 John 1:6

Joshua 1:9


Welcome One Another

As a group we aim to welcome all who would like to join. We believe God has called us to be hospitable and kind to one another reguardless of our differences.


"Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God."


-Romans 15:7

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